Fusion of Data-mining, Genetic-Algorism and Agile prototyping for Innovative Manufacturing System
Challenge the research and development (prototype) market with a market size of 1.4 trillion yen by strengthening regional ideas- Research institute
- KYOTO SHISAKU CORPORATION, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Pharma Science Co., Ltd.
One of the missions of "Delight Manufacturing" includes creating a new market that can win the global top by realizing regional innovation using regional company know-how and ideas.
In this theme, in accordance with its purpose,
- Establishment of "prototype market" to enable innovation with large enterprises
- Changes in position of manufacturing companies SMEs
Establishment of an "evolutionary manufacturing system" that enables the above is a target by this theme. Specifically, we will establish a foundation for dailyizing open innovation in research and development markets (prototype market), which is said to be 1.4 trillion yen in market size, sharing technology among companies, and strengthening the creative power of individual companies.
As issues to be taken up, there are "realization of shortest cycle of actual demonstration", "facilitation of proposal of joint prototyping among companies", "realization of proposal / high added value".
Through our efforts to address these challenges, we are aiming to establish a new business model in the region as a whole instead of the current business that is only "prototype = small orders". We aim to establish an environment to realize strengthening skills of regional companies in order to enable regional enterprises mainly making manufacturing orders to make product proposals.
- Product planning support system · Optimal company support system
By the end of FY 2016, we will create a proposal for the surgical energy device field which was not invented by the conventional method whichis by person efforts.
- Ultra agile advaced prototype system
By the end of FY 2016, completion of production of SPC (Super Processing Center) base machine and production of individual machining functional unit will be completed(Figure 1)。
- Common goals of 1. and 2.
By the end of FY 2016, we will expand our target fields to the medical and energy fields and demonstrate that we can create superfunctional model parts.

- Outcome
- We will try to revitalize the nation and the province by "creating new markets and promoting early commercialization by improving R & D competitiveness " and "revitalizing regional industry through cooperation with other small and medium enterprises".
- Utilizing and expanding advanced prototype demand both at home and abroad, we will realize "Kyoto prototyping valley" which makes Kyoto a large prototyping site and aim for activate of Kyoto.
Implementation contents
- Development of planning support system and optimum prototype system
We will work on proposal and high value added with upgrading creative power by proposing additional functions beyond common sense by crossing / mutation, and proposing problem solving by seed technology etc.
We propose joint prototyping based on the technology and strengths of each company and order acceptance judgment information, and try cooperation of prototype companies(Figure 2).
- Development of ultra agile advaced prototype system
Ultra agile prototyping of delight parts which designed by product planning support system is realized by Super Processing Center(SPC).
Innovation of trial manufacture QCD, such as quality, cost, delivery date, schedule management.