Development of laser coating methods for realization of high value-added design and manufacturing
Challenge to establish high-quality, high-stability coating technology that greatly contributes to the realization of delight design- Research institute
- Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Osaka University, OSAKA FUJI Corporation, MURATANI MACHINE MANUFACTURE Co., Ltd., Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa (IRII), Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Sanyo Special Steel Co., Ltd.
PTA (plasma transferred arc welding), which is a conventional technique, has difficulty in coating high quality because heat input control is not sufficient. In addition, the conventional powder supply type laser cladding (coating) was difficult to coat with high quality because powder supply position control was not sufficient.
On the other hand, laser coating, which is working on research under this theme, can realize coating of high function / processing resistant material and structures which were difficult to do in the past(Figure 1).
If this coating technology is put into practical use, it can greatly contribute to making products based on "delight design" that responds to user needs such as "strong" despite being "light" and "thin(cheap)" , and there is a possibility to change the concept of manufacturing drastically. In addition, its application range and ripple effects will spread to automobiles familiar to people's lives, disaster robots (Figure 2), and even large projects such as space development.
By spreading this technology to small and medium enterprises in each region through public research institutions etc., it becomes possible to conduct innovative design and manufacture in each region.

- Development of laser heat input control technology
Development of melt solidification simulation code
Development of high spatio-temporal resolution melting solidification measurement technology
Evaluation and elucidation of phenomena during laser irradiation, optimization of laser irradiation conditions - Development of laser coating technology of molten pool type
Establishment of low dilution film formation technology and development of technology for high quality and high stability in coating with a thickness of 1 mm or more
- Development of laser coating technology of non-molten pool type(Figure 3)
Design and manufacture of a multi-beam unit capable of jetting raw material powder directly from the center by irradiating the laser from the side
Enabling simultaneous irradiation (multi-beam superimposed irradiation) of up to six laser beams
Coating prototype products and parts of simple shape ⇒ Development of high-performance cutting tools and the like(Figure 3)Prototype apparatus of surface direct-injection powder laser coating - Innovation style
Creation of videos for exhibitions (collaboration with the school of media science, Tokyo University of Technology)
- Developed blue semiconductor laser coating apparatus
- Infrared semiconductor laser coating head is mounted on machine tool
Implementation contents
- Development of laser heat input control technology
We will conduct phenomena evaluation and elucidation, and optimize laser irradiation conditions.
We performed material characterization at SPring-8.
From FY 2017, we have been conducted simulation of coating process, elucidation of interaction phenomena of melting / interface / base material, and demonstration conforming to industrial applications. - Development of laser coating technology of molten pool type
We will work on establishing low dilution film formation technology.
We will work on technology development for higher quality and higher stability. - Development of laser coating technology of non-molten pool type
We will work on establishing highly precise powder melting control technology.
We will work on establishing high-quality thin film forming technology. - Innovation style
We will distribute technical videos and support technology dissemination and dissemination activities.
By strengthening user collaboration and advertisement, we support activities for technology dissemination and commercialization.
OPIE’16 SIP Demonstration of Laser Coating Technology with Explanation by Professor Tsukamoto [Japanese]
- Tools/Technologies
Multi-beam Laser Coating Head Apparatus
Multi-beam Direct Injection Laser Coating Apparatus
- Utilization hub of tools and technologies
- Innovation style
Muratani Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. : Multi-beam Direct Injection Laser Coating Apparatus [Japanese]
Osaka Fuji Corporation : Molten Pool type Laser Coating Technology [Japanese]